The most frequent reason people visit an orthodontist is for misalignment, or malocclusion. It results from size discrepancies between the jaw and teeth or between the upper and lower jaw, and it is inherited. Overcrowding of teeth, a malformed jaw, or abnormal bite patterns are all consequences of malocclusion. Metal, ceramic, or plastic square bonds are applied to your teeth by your orthodontist. Your teeth are forced into alignment by a set of wires or springs. You might be able to utilize clear braces, also known as aligners, in place of traditional braces if your malocclusion is only mild. In order to align their teeth with external pressure, some persons require headgear. You will need to wear a retainer following braces or aligners. A unique tool called a retainer holds your teeth in place. Your upper jaw can be widened with palate expanders. Most frequently, they are applied to children. Without removing teeth, they can make more room in the mouth.
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